Nick Patel
Tour Leader | Conservationist | Naturalist | Birder
Your guide is passionate about British Wildlife and helping to protect, create and maintain it...
A lifelong Birdwatcher, and former Nature reserve Warden, Nick has devoted his life to shouting about how amazing our native biodiversity is and just why we should care for it...
Expertise in:
Birds of the Western Palearctic
Lepidoptera of Britain
Botany of the UK, including British Orchidae
Native Reptiles
Habitats of the UK
Habitat management
Personal passions include:
Limestone Grassland
Farming with Nature
Being an advocate for 'Reducing Wildlife Disturbance'...
Favourite Bird: Black Redstart / Bohemian Waxwing
Favourite Butterfly: Small Blue
Favourite Plant: Wild Daffodil
Meeting locations, times, clothing/equipment arranged prior to event
Risk Assessments carried out for each session
DBS checked | Liability Insured | Safeguarding trained
Additional requirements taken into account for events
Your leader ensures safety is key, everytime.